Admitn'Go is a video/mobile game made possible through a Small Business Innovation Research Phase 1 Project. The Admitn'Go game applies a creative, original and transformative process to adapt the behavior of students and impact the college going culture by playing a video/mobile game. The focus of this video/mobile game is on measuring knowledge about the college application process as students navigate through different levels of the game. Knowledge about the college application process includes
a) information about admission criteria and deadlines,
b) college acceptance and enrollment processes, and
c) the ability to pay for college through scholarships, loans, work programs, and/or personal savings.
The team has developed instruments and measures for readiness based on student performance at each gameplay level and we will measure their validity and reliability.
These measures will enable the school and other stakeholders to understand students' gaps and help strengthen students’ pathways into college. This is especially important for traditionally underrepresented students who are most likely to face major obstacles during this process.